Science (Period 1,2,4)

Course Description


Quarter 1 Week 5 Sept. 5th - 8th Science

We are moving right along in science.  We have covered 2 units, and begin our 3rd this week.  Some of you may have received emails from your child about grades.  Anytime a student receives a failing grade on any assignment, I have them email me and their parents about what happened.  I hope this accomplishes two things: first, motivate the student to always do their best, and second, to help keep parents and myself informed about how their child is doing and where they are struggling.  I try to respond to each email with suggestions and encouragement.  As always, if you have any questions for me, please let me know.
This Week in Science:
Tuesday - review Orbits, Gravity, Mass v Weight unit
Wednesday - TC: Orbits; dichotomous keys activity; read & questions for Article: Whats in a Scientific Name
Thursday - Quiz: Orbits, Gravity, Mass v Weight or Mid-Term (decided by class vote); create Notes: Classification; create a dichotomous key
Friday - Guidance Day
SPI0807.12.6 Illustrate how gravity controls the motion of objects in the solar system.
SPI0807.5.1 Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism.
--> 0807.5.1 Select characteristics of plants and animals that serve as the basis for developing a classification key.
--> 0807.5.2 Create and apply a simple classification key to identify an organism.
Learning Objectives:
1.  Students can illustrate stable orbits and their contributing factors.
2.  Students can use a dichotomous key to identify an unknown organism.
3.  Students can select criteria to create a dichotomous key, and then create a dichotomous key for a plant and animal.

Quarter 1 Week 4 August 28th - Sept. 1st

We have a busy week.  Thursday we have our Mid-Quarter Test which will cover everything over electromagnetism (electromagnets, electric generators, and magnetic fields) and mass, weight, gravity, and orbits.  The homework will be on the computers using Naiku.  It is normally due on Friday, except this week it is due on Thursday to help us prepare for the Mid-Quarter Test.

Monday - TC: Mass v. Weight; review Quiz: Electromagnetism; blanket demo; create Notes: Gravity

Tuesday - Lab: Gravity; Orbits article; orbits demonstration; create Notes: Orbits

Wednesday - TC: Gravity; review for Mid-Term Test

Thursday - homework due; Mid-Quarter Test

Friday - TC: Orbits; summary over mass, weight, gravity, and orbits 


Standards addressed this week:

0807.12.4 Distinguish between mass and weight using appropriate measuring instruments and units.    

0807.12.5 Determine the relationship among the mass of objects, the distance between the objects, and the amount of gravitational attraction.

0807.12.6 Illustrate how gravity controls the motion of objects in the solar system.


Learning Objectives this week:

  1. List the tools and units used for measuring mass and weight, define mass and weight, and describe how mass stays constant despite location, whereas weight changes.        
  2. Explain how the amount of mass of an object affects the amount of gravitational force that object has, and how the distance between two objects affects the amount of gravitational force they have on each other.
  3. Describe that the planets orbit around the sun, or a moon's orbit around a planet is a balance of inertia and gravity.  Understand that less massive objects orbit around more massive objects. 

Quarter 1 Week 3 August 21st - 25th

      I have had another great week with each of my classes.  We have tried to prepare for the upcoming apocalypse... I meant solar eclipse (I truly like having fun with this group of kids).  I will be out Monday, but Mrs. Morgan has all the plans to help the students get the most out of the solar eclipse.  I asked each of the classes to treat Mrs. Morgan better than they treat me, and they treat me great.  Please remind them or put fear into them (which ever works best) to treat Mrs. Morgan with great respect and to follow her directions.  The work they do on Monday is graded.  As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know.

Open house and club sign ups are Thursday August 24th at 5:30.


Here is a look at the week ahead:

Monday: solar eclipse article & questions (please remind students to keep on eclipse glasses provided by school)

Tuesday: TC: Magnetic Fields from memory;  review for electromagnetism quiz

Wednesday: Quiz: Electromagnetism; mass v weight article; create Notes: Mass v. Weight

Thursday: mass versus weight lab (we will need Capri Sun packs); critical thinking questions

Friday: TC: Mass v. Weight from memory; gravity article; create Notes: Gravity


Standards addressed this week:

0807.12.4 Distinguish between mass and weight using appropriate measuring instruments and units.    

0807.12.5 Determine the relationship among the mass of objects, the distance between the objects, and the amount of gravitational attraction.       


Learning Outcomes:

  1. List the tools and units used for measuring mass and weight, define mass and weight, and describe how mass stays constant despite location, whereas weight changes. 
  2. Explain how the amount of mass of an object affects the amount of gravitational force that object has, and how the distance between two objects affects the amount of gravitational force they have on each other.    

Quarter 1 Week 2 August 14th - 18th

      It has been a great first week of school.  I have really enjoyed each of my science classes, and we have already spent 3 days doing labs.  It will not always be that way, but I do love learning in the lab. 
      Thank you so much to everyone that has signed up for my Remind text messages for Science.  Hopefully you saw this on the signed syllabus or your child told you about it.  If you have not, please do so, as I use this as a tool of communication to keep you informed of things happening in class.  Additionally, I strive to send weekly e-mails and update my website weekly.
      This week we began our study of electromagnets and will continue this into next week.  Students will receive a lab grade on Monday by constructing and varying the strength of an electromagnet.  I have “rod” (nails) and conductive wire in class but have asked students to bring in fresher batteries if possible. After electromagnets, we will study electric generators and magnetic fields.  All of this ties in great to the upcoming Apocalypse, I meant solar eclipse.  The schedule is typed up below including days we have graded assignments.  Please encourage your kids to work on memorizing their target concepts.  Knowing those ideas is a basis for our science class.
      If at anytime that you have questions, concerns, comments, or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out.  I appreciate all you parents do.


Monday - Electromagnet Lab (graded)

Tuesday - TC: Electromagnet retake (graded), article & questions on electric generators, create Notes: Electric Generators, quick write comparing and contrasting electromagnets and electric generators

Wednesday: article & questions on earth's magnetic field, begin creating Notes: Magnetic Fields

Thursday: TC: Electric Generators (graded), finish Notes: Magnetic Fields, demonstration on magnetic fields and electricity (maybe)

Friday: Homework Due (graded), Let’s talk Solar Eclipse & the Apocalypse!

Standards covered this week:

0807.12.1 Recognize that electricity can be produced using a magnet and wire coil.

0807.12.2 Describe the basic principles of an electromagnet.    

--> Produce an electromagnet using a metal rod and a wire coil.                      

--> Experiment with an electromagnet to determine how to vary its strength.                                                                         

0807.12.3 Distinguish among the Earth's magnetic field, a magnet, and the fields that surround a magnet and an electromagnet.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Draw a diagram of a simple electric generator, and describe how it works.
  2. Draw and label a diagram of an electromagnet, and describe how it works.
  3. Create an electromagnet, and vary its strength by varying the electric current, the number of loops of wire, and the core material.
  4. Draw the magnetic fields that surround a bar magnet, an electromagnet, and Earth.  Identify how they are similar and how they are different.

Homework (due on Friday’s): Use your TC’s…homework is to reinforce skills and to apply our TC’s

  1. What are three ways to reduce the strength of an electromagnet?
  2. What materials are required to create an electromagnet?
  3. What is the purpose of the rod in an electromagnet?
  4. What are two differences between an electromagnet and a bar magnet?
  5. Draw and label a picture of an electromagnet.
  6. What two materials actually create the electric current in an electric generator?
  7. What must you do with the magnet in order to create electricity?
  8. What can be used to show that electricity is being created in an electric generator?
  9. What are three ways to reduce the amount of electricity created by an electric generator?
  10. Draw an electric generator.

Laptops will be issued in the near future, you may pay the insurance by visiting:



On Monday, August 21, 2017, the moon will pass between the earth and the sun for the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse since 1918.  Millions of Americans in 12 states will be able to watch this solar spectacle that will turn day into night for a couple of minutes.  Tennessee is among the 12 states that have been declared to be the best place to experience this rare phenomenon.


Bartlett City Schools is planning for its students to participate in this event.  BCS has purchased and will supply solar eclipse viewing glasses for students.  Permission slips will be coming home next week. Parents of students in grades K-8 must sign and return all forms no later than Thursday, August 17, 2017.  If your student is in grades 9-12 you will only need to send a form back if you DO NOT want your child to participate.

Quarter 1 Week 1 August 7th - 11th

Monday: review school expectations
Tuesday: class expectations
        To Do: get syllabus signed (due Wednesday)
                   sign-up for Remind 101: parents & students
                   students and parents email
Wednesday: Electromagnetism
   - build an electromagnet
   - read article and critical thinking questions
        To Do: buy fresh batteries (dollar store is fine)
 Thursday: Electromagnetism
   - build an electromagnet
   - demonstrate electromagnetism with compass
   - create class notes
   - discuss target concepts
Friday: Electromagnetism
   - build electromagnets and vary strength
   - Grade TC: Electromagnets by memory
   - review TC: Electromagnets