Ms. Robin Crutchfield » School Counseling Program

School Counseling Program

School Counseling Program


The counseling program in our school is available to help students develop positive learning experiences. The program consists of a variety of services and activities.


What Does A School Counselor Do?  School Counselors:


  • Coordinate a comprehensive guidance program
  • Teach developmental classroom guidance lessons
  • Advocate for students 
  • Counsel individual/groups of students
  • Help identify student needs and provide services to meet those needs
  • Assist students in crises situations
  • Consult and collaborate with parents, students, teachers, and administrators
  • Conduct school tours
  • Provide parent education opportunities
  • Coordinate and plan outside services for students 
  • Provide information and resources to parents on a variety of issues


How Can Students Be Seen By The Counselor


 A student can be referred to see the counselor by a teacher, fellow student, administrator, parent, faculty member or a student can refer him/herself.  Once a referral is made, a counseling permission slip is sent home to be signed by a parent or guardian.  All completed forms should be returned to your child's school counselor.