Exceptional Science (Period 5)


Q1W6 (9/16-9/20)

Students each have access to PowerSchool and should check PowerSchool often for updates on grade and/or any missing work.  As we prepare to move pass the life science discipline, please utilize the resources available for students to review. Students should use their notes, bellwork/classwork, DoK sheets with questions,  and my website, and Curve for additional helps as we strive to keep resources current. In an attempt to help students prepare for the types of questions that may be seen on TC's (target concepts), we have created TC DoK Study sheets/guides. These are examples of questions but not the actually questions for the TC. The study sheets should be completed and most all, if not all, of the questions are addressed during class discussions and notes.
Here is a look at the week ahead (as always, plans are subject to change):
Monday (9/16): Unit quiz covering LS4.2-LS4.5 (there is a quizizz practice students received on Friday 9/13)
Tuesday: LS4.1 Introductory activity
Wednesday: LS4.1 (fossils) notes
Thursday: ESS2.1 Mass Extinctions discussion
Friday: More with Mass Extinctions and TC LS4.1
Standard and Learning Targets:

8.LS4.1: Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, extinction, and change in life forms throughout Earth’s history

DoK #1 Distinguish among and describe fossils, trace fossils, and index fossils.

  1. Define fossil and give two examples of a fossil.
  2. Define trace fossil and give three examples of a trace fossil.

DoK #1 Define relative age and give examples of relative age.

  1. Define relative age and list the words that are commonly associated with relative age.
  2. Give three examples of relative age.

DoK #1 Identify the type of rock layer that fossils are found in.

  1. Which rock layers are fossils found in? Why are they only found in that type of rock layer?

DoK #2 Determine the relative age of fossils in a geological column.

  1. Draw a geological column and sort the ages of the fossils found in that column. Explain how you arrived at their relative ages.

DoK #2 Describe the process of fossilization including factors that increase the likelihood of fossilization.

  1. List the process of fossilization.
  2. What are the three factors that increase the likelihood of an organism being fossilized? Explain each.

DoK #3 Trace the ancestry of a modern-day organism comparing changes in structural features of the organism.

  1. List two examples of species that have an extensive fossil record
  2. How have the organisms changed structurally according to the fossil record?

DoK #4 Infer the changes in environment that must have occurred that would result in changes to a species recorded in the fossil record.

  1. For the above organisms, what are some environmental changes that may have taken place that would result in the change of phenotype of that organism?
  2. What other evidence might be collected in the fossil record that may support your inferences about the change in the environment?
8.ESS2.1 Analyze and interpret data to support the assertion that rapid or gradual geographic changes lead to drastic population changes and extinction events.

8.LS4.5 DoK Study Guide KEY

 Attached is a key to the LS4.5 DoK Study sheet that students completed in class.  In an attempt to help students better prepare for target concepts and the types of questions that may be seen, we are trying to create these study sheets. The questions on the sheets are not the questions they will see but serve as examples. Students should refer to bell work (they should be writing the question daily and correct response), notes, DoK sheets/expectations, activities, and my website for additional helps. There may be a variety of correct answers on this study guide and the key is to serve as a help for explanations. LS4.5 target concept is tomorrow, and we will have the unit quiz on Monday.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 


On a side note, students wanting a re-take on LS4.4 were able to grab learning activities for that in class today, along with the FIT tickets…both are due Tuesday before class begins and please remember the new score is the recorded score. 

Q1W5 (9/9-9/13)

Parent teacher conferences are this Thursday by appointment only.  Requested conferences for 8th grade were sent home on Friday with students.  We will complete our life science unit this week and have our unit quiz. Students should spend a few minutes each night reviewing content (notes, bell work, my website, Curve, and, DoK levels). 
Here is a look at the week, but please remember plans are subject to change:
Monday: Super Cows and notes on artificial selection (LS4.5)
Tuesday: LS4.5 discussion and contrast with natural selection
Wednesday: LS4.4 and LS4.5 Target concept
Thursday: Review (exceptional may have unit quiz Thursday)
Friday: Unit quiz LS4.2- LS4.5
8.LS4.5 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the technologies that have changed the way humans use artificial selection to influence the inheritance of desired traits in other organisms.
Learning Targets:
DoK 1: Define artificial selection. Identify examples of artificial selection. 
DoK 2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate how the process of artificial selection has been used.
DoK 3: Define problems that arise from the use of artificial selection. Investigate the use of artificial selection in a specific species to solve problems related to the world.
DoK 4: Engage in argument from evidence about the morality of artificial selection to establish guidelines for its ethical use.
The "Super Cows" activity will cover DoK 2-4.
Please remember that students are allowed a re-take on most of the assignments (target concepts) but must complete and turn in the learning activities by the specified date, and have a FIT ticket signed (new beginning this week).

Q1W4 (9/2-9/6)

Welcome back from a long weekend, hopefully, it was enjoyable for all.  Please encourage students that are not utilizing the re-takes of the target concepts to capitalize on those opportunities (the re-takes must be completed within the time frame allotted by the teacher and learning activities completed).
Here is a look at the week (as always plans are subject to change):
Monday (9/2): Enjoy your Labor Day- No School
Tuesday: Synthesize an event that would cause an environmental change and what phenotypes would survive.
Wednesday: Target Concept LS4.3 (graded) LS4.4 Natural Selection (Darwin's Finches and notes)
Thursday: Super Cows
Friday (9/6): Notes on Artificial Selection
Standards Addressed:
LS4.4: Develop a scientific explanation of how natural selection plays a role in determining the survival of a species in a changing environment.
DOK levels:
DOK 1: Identify that genetic variation within a species increases the chance of survival of that species in changing environments.
DOK 2: Define the process of natural selection that determines if mutations within a species is good or bad.
Construct an explanation how the passing of favorable phenotypes leads to speciation or evolution of a species.
DOK 3: Construct explanations of the process of natural selection on various species observed today
DOK 4: Synthesize the process of natural selection for a changing environment in a specific region for the organisms within that region based on currently available phenotypes.
LS4.5: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the technologies that have changed the way humans use artificial selection to influence the inheritance of desired traits in other organisms.
DOK levels:
DOK 1: Define artificial selection.
Identify examples of artificial selection.
DOK 2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate how the process of artificial selection has been used.
DOK 3: Define problems that arise from the use of artificial selection.
Investigate the use of artificial selection in a specific species to solve problems related to the world.
DOK 4: Engage in argument from evidence about the morality of artificial selection to establish guidelines for its ethical use.

Q1W3 (8/26-8/30)

Here is the look at this week: (subject to change)
Phenomena: Chipmunk and all activities this week
Monday (8/26): Target Concept on LS4.2, begin LS4.3 (Peppered Moth)
Tuesday: Finish discussion on Peppered Moth, Mice activity
Wednesday: Notes on LS4.3, begin investigative phenomena
Thursday: DOK 1-4 check,  complete investigative phenomena, finalize presentations
Friday: Complete presentations and DOK 4
Standard  8.LS4.3 Analyze evidence from geology, paleontology, and comparative anatomy to support that specific phenotypes within a population can increase the probability of survival of species that lead to adaptation.
Learning Targets:
Define phenotype.
Match phenotypes that will increase the survivability of a species in an environment.
Construct an explanation with evidence of why favorable phenotypes are more likely to be passed from parent to offspring.
Describe how environmental changes can lead to a change in the dominant phenotype of a species.
Investigate phenomena of dramatic changes in phenotype among a species and develop an argument about the cause of the change.
Develop an argument explaining why genetic variation within a specific species increases the likelihood of survival of that species.
Synthesize an event that would cause an environmental change in a particular area and determine which organisms in that region would most likely survive based on available phenotypes of that organism.

Q1W2 (8/19-8/23)

It has been a pleasure getting to know the students this past week as they become acclimated to their last year of middle school. I will do all that I can to help each student achieve their fullest potential. However, ultimately success does not lie with the teacher, but with the teacher, parent, and student working together. Expectations are high for each student, but I am confident that each student can be successful and experience growth. A few key reminders for the week: 8th grade parent meeting is planned for Monday 8/19 6-7pm, parents are encouraged to attend.  Fall pictures are scheduled for this Wednesday 8/21. Laptops are anticipated to be handed out this week. Dependent upon when laptops are distributed will affect lesson plans for the week, as always plans are subject to change. Here is a tentative look at the week:

Monday:  Close read on sharks, introduction to cladograms and phylogenetic trees, with notes

Tuesday: Cladogram practice (including critiquing others) and DOK level 1-2 check

Wednesday: Critiquing Cladograms cont

Thursday: LS4.2 DOK 3-4 check

Friday: Go over DOK work.

Learning Targets and standards addressed:

LS4.2: Construct an explanation addressing the similarities and differences of the anatomical structures and genetic information between extinct and extant organisms using evidence of common ancestry and patterns between taxa.

DOK 1:

  1. Recognize the use of embryonic development, anatomical structures, and genetic information as evidence used to trace common ancestry of modern-day organisms.

DOK 2:

  1. Interpret cladograms and phylogenetic trees to determine the relatedness of species.
  2. Construct an explanation how embryonic development, anatomical structures, and genetic information is used to link related organisms.
  3. Compare the embryonic development, anatomical structures, and genetic information to infer relatedness of various species.

DOK 3:

  1. Construct a cladogram or phylogenetic tree from a group of given organisms to support an argument about the relatedness of the organisms.

DOK 4:

  1. Critique other cladograms or phylogenetic trees and provide alternative solutions based on logical arguments.
  2. Create arguments and synthesize possible relationships between a group of ten or more organisms using graphs and current scientific reasoning.

LS4.3: Analyze evidence from geology, paleontology, and comparative anatomy to support that specific phenotypes within a population can increase the probability of survival of that species and lead to adaptation.

DOK 1:

  1. Define phenotype.
  2. Match phenotypes that will increase the survivability of a species in an environment.

DOK 2:

  1. Construct an explanation with evidence of why favorable phenotypes are more likely to be passed from parent to offspring.
  2. Describe how environmental changes can lead to a change in the dominant phenotype of a species.

DOK 3:

  1. Investigate phenomena of dramatic changes in phenotype among a species and develop an argument about the cause of the change.
  2. Develop an argument explaining why genetic variation within a specific species increases the likelihood of survival of that species.

DOK 4:

Synthesize an event that would cause an environmental change in a particular area and determine which organisms in that region would most likely survive based on available phenotypes of that organism.