

Q3W2 (1/10-1/14)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: Go over Study Guide, Review for Quiz

Tuesday: PS2.1 Electromagnetism Quiz

Wednesday: Begin Newton's Laws (PS2.4-PS2.5), notes on types of forces, basic vocabulary, and Newton's 1st Law

Thursday: Free body diagrams with Newton's 1st Law

Friday: Begin Newton's 2nd law, f=ma

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q3W1 (1/3-1/7)

Welcome back...I hope everyone had a wonderful break and is recharged. I, Mrs. Farrell,  am sorry that I am out today (Monday), I have been under the weather. Please check and refresh the agenda daily this week because if I am out more than Monday, I will make additional updates throughout the week.  Quarter three tends to be our most challenging but with a good work ethic, I am confident that success can be had. 

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday (1/3): 2021-2022 BLMS 8th Science Q3-Q4 Edgenuity- Complete the Electricity and Magnetism Unit (both lessons Electromagnetism and Applications of Electromagnetism). Students must complete all parts to receive credit.  If the internet is down, work on Chapter 2 in the Pearson Textbook (it also under Electromagnetism module on Canvas)- answer all questions.

Chapter 2 Magnetism and electromagnetism.pdf Download Chapter 2 Magnetism and electromagnetism.pdf  

Tuesday:Begin notes on PS2.1 Electromagnetism (Electromagnet notes) (remember if you are using the Powerpoint, anything in red should be copied down)

Wednesday: Study guide passed out (students to answer #'s: 1a, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15 by class tomorrow), Notes on Electric generators

Thursday Notes on Electric motors, Electric Motor Lab/Demo, work on remainder of study guide

Friday: Study Guide due by the end of class

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W7-Q2W8 (12/6-12/17)

Students will need a new battery or batteries for labs before 12/14 brought in, if this is an issue, please let me know.

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday (12/6): Semester Exam Review (Life Sciences) Life Sciences ReviewGuide.docx Download Life Sciences ReviewGuide.docx  

Tuesday: Semester Exam Review (Earth Sciences) EARTH SCIENCES REVIEW GUIDE.docx Download EARTH SCIENCES REVIEW GUIDE.docx 

Wednesday: Semester Exam Quizizz Review, codes will be given in class (students may complete multiple times but student real names must be used)

Thursday: Semester Exam Escape Room Review

Friday (12/10):  Semester Exam- remember this is cumulative and covers all content studied thus far this year.


Monday (12/13): Go over semester exam

Tuesday: Introduction to PS2.1 Electromagnetism with Station Lab (***lab grades will be taken throughout the week***)

Wednesday:  PS2.1 Electromagnetism Activity (lab station builds)

Thursday: PS2.1 Electromagnetism Lab Wrap-up

Friday (12/17): 1/2 day for students. dismissal at 11:30...Enjoy your holiday break!

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W6 (11/29-12/3)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: ESS3.1 Natural Resources Groundwater Web-quest (use this website: (Links to an external site.))

Tuesday: ESS3.1 Natural Resources Notes

Wednesday: ESS3.1 Natural Resources Study Guide

Thursday: ESS3.1 Natural Resources Study Guide Review

Friday: ESS3.1 Natural Resources Quiz

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W5 (11/15-11/19)

Students should be working on their choice boards some. Three choices must be completed by the end of class Friday.  Students received these last Wednesday, with approximately 30 minutes left in class to begin.   I recommend breaking them up, as some will need to be completed at home and Friday will be the only day allotted at school and they are due that day.  

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: Complete notes on ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries,  and study guide handed out.

Tuesday: ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries Study Guide due

Wednesday: ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries Review

Thursday: ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries Quiz (work on choice boards after quiz- remember you must submit quality work)

Friday: Choice Boards (due by the end of your class, you have had since 11/9)

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W4 (11/8-11/12)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: ESS2.4 Asthenosphere & Convection Currents Quiz Review

Tuesday: ESS2.4 Asthenosphere & Convection Currents Quiz, choice boards handed out (due Friday, November 19 by the end of assigned class period-do not wait until the night before to begin)

Wednesday: ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries Lab Stations

Thursday: No School- Thank you to all whom serve our country- past and present

Friday: ESS2.5/ESS3.2 Plate Boundaries Notes

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W3 (11/1 - 11/4)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: Review for ESS2.2 Quiz, students should have marked questions on their study guide they were uncertain of to discuss.

Tuesday: ESS2.2 Earth's Interior Structure Quiz, begin ESS2.4 Asthenosphere and Convection Currents

Wednesday: Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonic Article, ESS2.4 Notes

Mantle Convection and Plate.docx Download Mantle Convection and Plate.docx  

Thursday: Complete ESS2.4 Asthenosphere and Convection Currents Notes

Friday: ESS2.4 Asthenosphere and Convection Currents Study Guide

ESS2.4 Study Guide Asthenosphere & Convection.docx Download ESS2.4 Study Guide Asthenosphere & Convection.docx  

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q2W2 (10/24-10/29)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead and the Red Ribbon week dress up days:

Monday: Hat Day, Introduction to ESS2.2 Earth's Interior and Seismic waves (TNDoE activity)

Tuesday: Neon Day, Q2BW #1 on Canvas,  Quiz on ESS2.3 The Rock Cycle

Wednesday: Twin Day, Notes on ESS2.2 Earth's Interior

Thursday: Sports Team Day, Article/Questions on Earth's Interior ("How Scientists study Earth's interior), Color by Number, and Sesimic Waves and Earth's interior worksheet

Friday: Tie-Dye Day,ESS2.2 Earth's Interior Study Guide (due by the end of class) Please remember to use the PowerPoint under ESS2.2 Earth's Interior on Canvas for help.

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***


Q1W9 (10/4-10/8)

Here is a fluid  look at the week ahead:

Monday: Wrap up ESS2.1 Mass Extinction Notes, Begin Study Guide (#1-7 is due before class TuesdayESS2.1 Study Guide

ESS2.1 Mass Extinction & Gradualism DoK Study sheet.docx Download ESS2.1 Mass Extinction & Gradualism DoK Study sheet.docx  

Tuesday: Study Guide due by the end of class (you will have the class period but should have some done before class). Quizizz Homework due that was assigned last week (students allowed to complete it twice and highest score recorded, codes can be found on previous week under Friday in purple).

Wednesday: . Review for the ESS21. Mass Extinction Quiz,  (if qualified for a LS4.1 Fossil Record retake, this must be done by today)

Thursday: ESS2.1 Mass Extinction Quiz

Friday: District CFA

Have a wonderful fall break...No school next week.

*** Please remember that if a student must quarantine due to exposure to Covid, the student is still responsible for each day’s activities.  All work should be submitted each day via e-mail, except for quizzes or tests and they will be completed upon return in class.  Students can find any notes missed on my website ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) or on canvas, on the Powerpoint that corresponds to the standard (anything in red should be in their notes). Additionally, the PowerPoints can help complete study guides and students may also check the YouTube videos ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) for any that my correspond to the standard. ***

Q1W8 (9/27-10/1)

Monday (9/27): Go over Study Guide and Review for quiz. Quizizz ( ) (Links to an external site.) code for quarantine or absent students only- 18057902  (others will receive a class code).  Please use your first and last name. You may have 2 attempts by  8:00 Tuesday 9/28 and I will keep the highest score.

Tuesday: LS4.1 The Fossil Record Quiz

Wednesday: Claims given to students to refute or prove, LS4.1 Learning activity available if a retake is requested (remember you cannot have any missing work and this due Friday 10/2 by the end of class).  

LS4.1 Learning Activity for retake.pdf Download LS4.1 Learning Activity for retake.pdf  

quarantined students- EVOLUTION of plants & animals CLAIMS- quarentined.docx Download EVOLUTION of plants & animals CLAIMS- quarentined.docx  

Thursday: Claim wrap up and Mass Extinctions graphic organizer. The website for research is (Links to an external site.)

(click “launch interactive” to start the interactive) 

(for quarantined students-  ESS2.1 Mass Extinctions Student Graphic Organizer .pdf Download ESS2.1 Mass Extinctions Student Graphic Organizer .pdf )

Friday (10/1):  Begin ESS2.1 Mass Extinctions Notes

Homework: Quizizz Code due Tuesday 10/5 by 8:00, you may have 2 attempts and the highest score will be recorded. (

Enter the code for your correct period and use your first and last name or it will not be recorded.