Academic Exploration (AE) Class Selection- 2022-2023 Please click here to access our AE Class Selection Form.
SchoolCash Online BCS is now using SchoolCash Online for school payments, including sports and classroom fees, fines, field trips, and more. If you haven't registered your students to make online payments, please take time to do so.
Read For Your School! Summer Opportunities from the Bartlett Library The Bartlett Public Library is offering several activities for students and families including a contest to win money for our school library, teen volunteer opportunities, and summer activities for kids and families. Please see all of the flyers on the webpage below for more information!
Congratulations to Mrs. Renee Baum and Mrs. Sheryl Bruce!!! Bon Lin Middle School has 2 teachers who have been recognized as Teacher of the Year and Technology Teacher of the Year.
Canvas Parent Observer Account Set Up Instructions Parents can set up an observer account to view students' assignments in Canvas!!!!
Important Laptop Information Parents, please use the link to access important information about the student laptop agreement forms and paying for laptop insurance
BCS 1:1 Student Device Information: Important Parents, please see the link for information on BCS 1:1 devices and insurance information for the upcoming school year.
BLMS Laptop Flyer--IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please see the attached flyer on information concerning student laptops. If you want your student to have their laptop during the summer, there is an online form to complete. Students who have not submitted the laptop form online will be expected to turn their laptops and chargers in during locker clean-out.